
21 — 22 Aug 2014

Ptarmigan project rooms, Tallinn, Estonia

Invited participants

Alise Ziemule

Riga, Latvia

Since spring working/living in Brasalona - new public project space in Riga. At the moment working on contemporary art/music projects.

Teele Pehk

Linnalabor / Estonian Urban Lab

Community expert in Linnalabor, urban enthusiast and Kalarand fand


Michael Haagensen

Kilometre of Sculpture

I have a background in the visual arts with 20 years in teaching and training. After 15 years in the language services sector, I am now returning to my original field through arts management.


Liene Jurgelāne

Kaņepes Kultūras Centrs
Riga, Latvia

I am working for Kaņepes Kultūras Centrs (KKc), which has become an integral part of the cultural life in Riga regularly offering various artistic, musical, theatrical, cinematic and interdisciplinary events. The goal of KKc is to renovate and give second life to the beautiful building in the very heart of the city by preserving its historical and conceptual values and providing a publicly accessible green oasis to Riga, its inhabitants and guests.


Ernest Truely

Error Collective

I'm an artist from America who came to New Europe looking for a second chance.


Andrew Gryf Paterson

Helsinki, Finland

I am an artist-organiser based in Helsinki, and have been involved with Pixelache since 2004, and in recent years has facilitated the around-the-year events programme. Many of these activities have crossed over into public space in the process, and social sustainability of action(s) is a current interest.


Jonas Buchel

Urban Institute

I'm a social and cultural worker, practicing urbanist and community worker, living and working in the Baltics for 13 years. I try to observe and understand human challenges in collectivity and societies space in urbanity. Together we're managing projects for communities and municipalities.

Other participants

Lori Weekes

Palo Alto, CA

I'm an American JD & PhD student interested in legal materiality and the aesthetics of bureaucracy. My work looks at heritage management and archaeological practice in Post-Soviet Europe.


Paula Jansone

Līksnas 26

Studying culture theory and management, working as an interior design consultant, active student council participant and making a new culture spot at a slightly dead neighbourhood - Liksnas 26


Kaspars Lielgalvis


I am an artist, founder and leader of Totaldobže Art Centre and producer of several projects with a focus on experimental interdisciplinary contemporary art. I am interested in the interaction of current culture and environment. I am one of the activists in the Free Riga movement, which raises questions of abandoned buildings and lack of space for non-governmental initiatives. Totaldobže Art Centre is a member of the Association of Creative Districts and Territories and the international network Artists Initiatives Meetings.


John W. Fail


I'm an artist and organiser working between Helsinki and Tallinn for the past six years, part of Pixelache in Helsinki and Ptarmigan in Estonia.


Marje Ingel

Tallinna Keskraamatukogu muusikaosakond

Olen muusikainimene laiemas tähenduses - muusikaraamatukoguhoidja, , vabakutseline muusikaajakirjanik, laulja.


Märt Põder

Tartu, Eesti

Olen viimaste aastate jooksul aktiivselt osalenud kogukonnapoliitikat ja infovabadust puudutavates algatustes, tuntumateks projektideks eeldatavasti Estobuntu, Vabakund ja Piraadipartei. Mu jaoks on oluline avatud, taaskasutatav ja vastutusvõimeline kood nii digi- kui ühiskonnasfääris.


Elina Kask

Urban Studies, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
Tallinn, Eesti

Olen lõpetanud maastikuarhitektuuri erialal Eesti Maaülikoolis ning hetkel omandan magistrikraadi Eesti Kunstiakadeemias urbanistika erialal. Suurimaks hobiks on linn ja selle süsteemi liige olla.


The right for the city and cultural aspect in Riga

Studying architecture and urbanisme in the Ecole National Supérieur d'Architecture de Nantes and in Erasmus last year in Riga. Working at Urban Institute from Riga. Writing my thesis about the rights of the city, capitalism and new cultural activism in Riga.

Tõnis Juhkam


32KK, teatrikallak, Muusikaliteater, TPT, kutseharidus, Kuperjanovi JVP, elektrik-montöör ABB AS-is.


Triin Orav

Casa Planeeringud OÜ; Estonian Academy of Arts

I'm a landscape architecture student (Master programme) at the Estonian Academy of Arts and currently working as a Landscape Architect/Urban Planner at Casa Planeeringud OÜ. I recently returned from a 1-year-long internship in an architecture office (MSR Design) in the United States and looking forward to actively participating on different local (landscape) architecture/urban planning events and projects.